Be sure to read this in the tone of Jeff Goldblum...
So... there’s this sauce, I don’t know how to phrase it, hmmm, it’s a sauce, well it’s a hot sauce. It has a thing, like a certain thing, what would you call it??? Ahhh perfection. I just don’t know how to describe the flavors??? Hmm succulent? Of course. Spicy? Well why wouldn’t they be? Does it hold secrets? Well doesn’t everything? Well, hmm, I don’t know, maybe this has everything. I mean it has me and I’m everything. I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, but what I do know is Gold Bloom. It just has this thing.... like a great... thing! Just one of those things... you get it, it’s a thing.
Gold Bloom - Curry Banana Pepper
SKU: 691037933777